Message from the Chair 21 septembre 2015 Sharon Shore This is not your regular OBA Family Law Executive...
Is Child Custody Obsolete? 18 juin 2015 Bill Rogers One helpful tool in the out-of-court toolbox is to avoid the word “custody” altogether, on the basis that its inflammatory potential outweighs any possible benefit, and the law is increasingly recognizing this.
Did You Know? 18 juin 2015 Katharina Janczaruk Hard to tell from the grey skies and chilly evenings but summer is here! And while many of us are gearing down for the summer, many of us are working hard behind the scenes to gear up for the fall.
Top Ten Tips to Survive and Thrive in the Practice of Family Law 18 juin 2015 Lorne H. Wolfson Congratulations to Lorne H. Wolfson, the 2015 Recipient of the OBA Award for Excellence in Family Law in Memory of James G. McLeod.
Spousal Support for the Ill Spouse 17 juin 2015 Joanne Stewart If former spouses do not support ill former spouses, who will?
Survey Finds That Outcomes Negotiated Through Family Collaborative Practice are Satisfactory or Very Satisfactory to Clients 17 juin 2015 Nathalie Boutet It was Collaborative Law’s unique feature of not permitting the lawyers to take the case to court in the face of an impasse that saved a family from disaster.
Message from the Chair 17 juin 2015 Steve Benmor A term filled with positive memories and accomplishments.
The Compact: A (Proposed) New Way Forward For Marriage Contracts & Cohabitation Agreements 25 mai 2015 Brahm D. Siegel If insufficient financial disclosure is the “cancer” of family law, the “heart disease” of our field at present is the frequency with which attacks on marriage contracts and cohabitation agreements are launched – and succeed.
Did You Know? 25 mai 2015 Katharina Janczaruk Could it be? Summer has arrived! And it’s not slowing down! There’s a lot going on – here’s some of it.