Articles 2024


A Focus on Family Violence – Bill C-78

  • 24 février 2020
  • Katherine Batycky, counsel, Stoner & Company Family Law Associates,

Two of the key objectives of the amendments to the Divorce Act in Bill C-78, as outlined in the preamble to the Bill, are to establish a non-exhaustive list of criteria with respect to the best interests of the child and to assist the courts in addressing family violence.

Droit de la famille, Student Forum

My First Trial: Lessons Learned

  • 24 février 2020
  • Alison Southern

In the beginning of this month, I had my first trial – a five-day, high conflict parenting trial. Prior to this, I had never sat in on or assisted with a family law trial, so it was an incredible and highly nerve-wracking experience. Now that I have had a bit of time to breathe, I offer here some of my “lessons learned” from this experience for others who will find themselves in my shoes.

Droit de la famille, Student Forum

All Families Are Equal: The New Legislation Regarding Parentage in Ontario, Canada

  • 13 février 2020
  • Oren Weinberg, partner, and & Maria Belfon, associate, Boulby Weinberg LLP

This is an article for family lawyers to keep close at hand, as they consider for their clients the effects in cases now that the definition of who a parent is has formally changed. Oren and Maria have helpfully touched on several areas of law affected.

Droit de la famille, Student Forum

‘Catch Me If You Can’: Husband who failed to disclose Cayman Islands bank account ordered to pay wife $32,000 in costs

  • 13 février 2020
  • Adam Black, Torkin Manes LLP

Adam's informative and gripping article was trending at #1 on Apple News, and for good reason. Readers will enjoy another article on disclosure (though it is not in poem form as per David Frenkel's most recent submission). Here, the contrary litigant experiences the consequences of his ongoing failures to cooperate firsthand. This is a cautionary tale, and one we want to impress upon our clients when they ask us if they must really provide full financial disclosure.

Droit de la famille, Student Forum

Book Review: LGBTQ2+ Law: Practice Issues and Analysis

  • 09 décembre 2019
  • Eric Sadvari, Goldhart & Associates

This is an informative and succinct review of the recently launched LGBTQ2+ Law: Practice Issues and Analysis, authored by Joanna Radbord, and including chapters contributed by well-respected practitioners, academics, and activists.

Droit de la famille, Student Forum

Producing Financial Disclosure in Family Law: A Poem

  • 09 décembre 2019
  • David Frenkel, LL.B., Gelman & Associates

This poem from David Frenkel delves nicely into the fear and loathing that our clients can experience when dealing with the task of gathering their financial disclosure.

Droit de la famille, Student Forum

Oh No. Not again. What have we learned from headlines reporting on spousal homicide following a family break-up?

  • 24 juin 2019
  • Steven Benmor

An insightful reminder of the need for family law lawyers to consider their clients' domestic situations in terms of how and when to move a file forward. Steve Benmor shares his experience, including how he has faced these challenges in his own practice, including details gleaned form his training in mediation and domestic violence screening.

Droit de la famille, Student Forum

Life Insurance as Security for Support Obligations

  • 22 avril 2019
  • Michael J. Marra, WEL Partners

This is a timely article that canvases 2017 and 2018 case law for family law lawyers regarding the treatment of spousal and child support obligations on the death of the payor, and the corresponding rights and obligations that must be considered by family law lawyers when drafting Agreements and consent Orders.

Droit de la famille, Student Forum

New Court Fees and One-Key!

  • 22 avril 2019
  • Kelly Watson, student-at-law, Law Office of Laura E. Oliver

This document informs family law practitioners of the April 1, 2019 court fees increase for their clients' matters.

Droit de la famille, Student Forum

Regional Senior Justice Daley Address re: Facilities 2018

  • 11 février 2019
  • The Honourable Justice Daley

This is an address by Justice Daley regarding the current state of the Brampton Court facilities, including examples of existing challenges and conditions, and how these may affect the Bench and Bar, and in turn how this is impacting the public.

Droit de la famille, Student Forum