Articles 2025


Legality of Detention in Long-Term Care and Retirement Homes During the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • 04 mars 2021
  • Jane E. Meadus, staff lawyer / institutional advocate, Advocacy Centre for the Elderly

While it is understood that drastic measures must be taken to reduce the risk of COVID-19 to residents across Ontario, especially those living in congregate care settings, this does not give the government carte blanche authority to restrict the liberty of Ontario’s citizens. Any restrictions must be carefully drafted and made in accordance with the rule of law.

Elder Law, Student Forum

Cultural Competency in Elder Law

  • 04 mars 2021
  • Thijiba Sinnathamby, TSJ Law,

A look at providing legal services to Canada's increasingly diverse population.

Elder Law, Student Forum

Should We Amend the Health Care Consent Act to Allow Unilateral Removal of Ventilators?

  • 04 mars 2021
  • Lisa Feldstein, Lisa Feldstein Law Office,

If COVID-19 overwhelms hospital resources, should the Ontario government consider a recommendation for an Executive Order to temporarily suspend the law requiring doctors to obtain consent of patients or families before withdrawing a life-sustaining treatment?

Elder Law, Student Forum

Update on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) Law in Canada

  • 05 novembre 2020
  • Wendi Crowe, Miller Thomson LLP

The law related to MAID in Canada continues to evolve. A look at the federal government's Bill C-7 and proposed amendments reintroduced in Parliament on October 5, 2020.

Elder Law, Student Forum

Elder Law and Financial Abuse

  • 10 juin 2020
  • Harold Geller, MBC Law

A look at the special relationship between financial advisor and senior client and what remedies are available to seniors when things go wrong.

Elder Law, Student Forum

Long-Term Care in Ontario: Can we find light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel?

  • 05 mai 2020
  • Simmie Palter

As of April 29th, 2020, 79 per cent of all deaths in Canada from COVID-19 occurred in seniors’ and long-term care homes. This article takes a critical look at why long-term care facilities were disproportionately affected by COVID-19 and what the future hold for the residents and staff of Ontario’s 600 long-term care facilities.

Elder Law, Student Forum

Lawyers’ Checklist: Checking for Indicators of Undue Influence During Virtual/Digital (Video) Meetings

  • 06 avril 2020
  • Kimberly A. Whaley, Whaley Estate Litigation Partners

Undue influence can be difficult to detect in a regular face-to-face client meeting. Detecting such influences through video conferencing may be even more challenging. It is therefore important to adapt to current norms and develop processes and steps to help determine if undue influence is at play in all situations. Following is a helpful checklist fo use during virtual/digital meetings or video conference calls with clients or potential clients.

Elder Law, Student Forum