Articles 2025


Human Rights Commission’s Policy on Gender Identity and Gender Expression

  • 15 décembre 2014
  • Nicola Simmons and Buck Sully

In April, 2014, the Ontario Human Rights Commission released its Policy on preventing discrimination because of gender identity and gender expression, providing guidance with respect to recent amendments to the Human Rights Code. In this article, the authors provide an outline of the Policy, particularly with respect to the legal responsibilities owed by organizations to prevent, identify and address discrimination based on gender identity and expression.

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Ontario's Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC) Rules that there is No Right of Access to Certain Records of School Board Trustees

  • 22 octobre 2014
  • Priscilla Platt

In Order M0-3031, regarding the York Region District School Board (School Board), the IPC ruled that certain records of School Board trustees were not in the custody or under the control of the School Board and therefore were not governed by access to information provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

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Welcome from the Chair

Welcome from the Chair

  • 25 septembre 2014
  • Brenda Stokes Verworn

Welcome back to the 2014 – 2015 school year of exciting opportunities to connect with other Education Law Section lawyers and educators. We are so happy you have joined our section. We want to be both your voice and source of valuable information.

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Ontario Divisional Court Rules on Whether Liturgies and Religious Retreats Fall Within the Scope of the Exemption Under the Education Act

  • 25 septembre 2014
  • Eric M. Roher and Heather Pessione

The Ontario Divisional Court ruled in Erazo et al. v. Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board that, pursuant to the Education Act, certain students of Catholic public schools are entitled to an exemption from some religious activities, such as mass and religious retreats.

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Arbitrator Rules that Collective Agreements Include Memoranda of Understanding

  • 24 septembre 2014
  • John-Paul Alexandrowicz

Arbitrator George Surdykowski has rendered a significant award in which he concludes that the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association and the Ontario Government formed part of a school board’s 2012-14 collective agreements with OECTA. This award addresses an outstanding issue about the status of the collective agreements imposed on school boards by the Government for the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 school years.

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CASL for School Boards

  • 05 mai 2014
  • Gillian Tuck Kutarna

Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation comes into force on July 1, 2014, and may significantly affect the way school boards are able to communicate with parents, employees, suppliers and stakeholders.

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Case Summary - Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board and Canadian Office & Professional Employees Union, Local 529

  • 22 avril 2014
  • Edward O'Dwyer

In Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board and Canadian Office & Professional Employees Union, Local 529, 2014 CanLII 9874 (ON LA), Arbitrator Goodfellow was required to determine whether the School Board continued to be bound by provisions in the recently expired, 2008-2012 collective agreement, which could potentially increase the daily hours of work of educational assistants.

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Arbitrator Reinstates EA Who Engaged in Improper Physical Intervention

  • 25 février 2014
  • P. Adrian Di Lullo

Citing the 22 years of clean service, but also noting an attempt to minimize the severity of her actions, Arbitrator Norm Jesin suggested that he would reinstate an EA without compensation after she was terminated provided that the union agreed to waive the operation of the sunset clause in her case. The termination occurred after the grievor intervened in the restraint of a kindergarten student by another EA and dragged the student by the wrist along the pavement into the school building.

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