Articles 2024


Tranchemontagne Test for Discrimination Upheld at HRTO

  • 22 janvier 2015
  • Amanda Lawrence

In Rudkins v. Durham Catholic District School Board, 2014, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario was provided with the opportunity to reiterate and clarify the appropriate test for discrimination.

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Teacher Expression: Can you restrict it?

  • 22 janvier 2015
  • Dianne Jozefacki

Teacher expression, such as posting on social media websites or discussing politics and public policy in the workplace, can have a profound effect on the employment relationship and the workplace, including a school board’s ability to maintain a good reputation in the community and deliver education to its students.

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The Public Sector and MPP Accountability and Transparency Act, 2014

  • 15 décembre 2014
  • Eric M. Roher and Rachael Belanger

On December 9, 2014 the Ontario legislature passed Bill 8, the Public Sector and MPP Accountability and Transparency Act, 2014. Bill 8 gives the government the authority to establish new “compensation frameworks” for certain senior public sector executives and implement new accountability and transparency measures for the broader public sector.

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Holiday Cheer: A Checklist for Employers

  • 15 décembre 2014
  • Paul E. Broad and Pamela M. Hillen

The holiday season is around the corner – and with it comes festivities and celebrations. Whether these seasonal events are large or small, employee health and safety remains a key priority for employers. Below, we provide employers with a checklist of measures to consider implementing in planning for a safe holiday celebration.

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Human Rights Commission’s Policy on Gender Identity and Gender Expression

  • 15 décembre 2014
  • Nicola Simmons and Buck Sully

In April, 2014, the Ontario Human Rights Commission released its Policy on preventing discrimination because of gender identity and gender expression, providing guidance with respect to recent amendments to the Human Rights Code. In this article, the authors provide an outline of the Policy, particularly with respect to the legal responsibilities owed by organizations to prevent, identify and address discrimination based on gender identity and expression.

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Ontario's Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC) Rules that there is No Right of Access to Certain Records of School Board Trustees

  • 22 octobre 2014
  • Priscilla Platt

In Order M0-3031, regarding the York Region District School Board (School Board), the IPC ruled that certain records of School Board trustees were not in the custody or under the control of the School Board and therefore were not governed by access to information provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

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Welcome from the Chair

Welcome from the Chair

  • 25 septembre 2014
  • Brenda Stokes Verworn

Welcome back to the 2014 – 2015 school year of exciting opportunities to connect with other Education Law Section lawyers and educators. We are so happy you have joined our section. We want to be both your voice and source of valuable information.

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Ontario Divisional Court Rules on Whether Liturgies and Religious Retreats Fall Within the Scope of the Exemption Under the Education Act

  • 25 septembre 2014
  • Eric M. Roher and Heather Pessione

The Ontario Divisional Court ruled in Erazo et al. v. Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board that, pursuant to the Education Act, certain students of Catholic public schools are entitled to an exemption from some religious activities, such as mass and religious retreats.

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