Nouvelles législatives et présentations



OBA Civil Motions and Long Trials Review

  • 03 décembre 2013

The Ontario Bar Association (“OBA”) is pleased that the Ontario Superior Court of Justice has recognized the need to address the significant delays in the scheduling of long motions and long trials in Toronto and the surrounding regions.

Litige civil, Droit des assurances

Gouvernement provincial

Ontario's Auto Insurance Dispute Resolution System Review

  • 01 octobre 2013

The Ontario Bar Association (“OBA”) appreciates the opportunity to provide comments as part of the auto insurance dispute resolution review being conducted by the Honourable J. Douglas Cunningham.

Mécanismes extrajudiciaires de règlement des conflits, Litige civil, Droit des assurances

Gouvernement provincial

Reform of the Repair and Storage Liens Act

  • 01 avril 2013

The Ontario Bar Association (“OBA”) is pleased to be able to provide advice to the Ministries of Consumer Service and Government Services (the “Ministries”) on necessary reforms to the Repair and Storage Lien Act (“RSLA”).

Droit des affaires, Litige civil

Gouvernement provincial

Meaningful Change for Family Justice - Beyond Wise Words Report

  • 08 mars 2013

The Ontario Bar Association, Family Law Section (the “Section”) wishes to congratulate the Action Committee on Access to Justice in Civil and Family Matters (the "Committee") on the excellent work on the Beyond Wise Words Report (the "Report") dated December 19, 2012.

Litige civil, Droit de la famille

Gouvernement provincial

Status Notice and Hearings

  • 01 juin 2012

As promised, I am writing to provide more detail on one of the issues of growing concern, namely, the “status notice” and “status hearing” procedures outlined in Rule 48.14 of the Rules of Civil Procedure.

Litige civil

Re: Report of the Expert Advisory Panel on Anti-SLAPP

  • 29 février 2012

As the people on the front lines of the justice system, OBA members understand the crucial importance of ensuring access to justice to protect legitimate legal rights while avoiding the chill on public participation and drain on public resources that ill-motivated law suits can exact.

Litige civil, Droit de l’environnement, Droit municipal

Gouvernement provincial

Response to the Final Report of the Catastrophic Impairment Expert Panel

  • 13 mai 2011

The Ontario Bar Association (“OBA”) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Final Report (the “Report”) of the Catastrophic Impairment Expert Panel (the “Panel”) to the Superintendent, dated April 8, 2011.

Droit relatif à la santé, Droit des assurances, Litige civil