Articles 2024


Blaneys Court of Appeal Summaries (October 24-28, 2016)

  • 01 novembre 2016
  • John Polyzogopoulos

This week’s Court of Appeal Summaries. Civil topics covered include administrative law/professional discipline (chiropractors), family law (support), contracts, civil procedure in the corporate oppression context (order interlocutory or final for appeal purposes), insurance law (SABs) and commercial tenancies. Special mention to our partner, Reeva Finkel, who on behalf of our client successfully resisted a landlord’s attempt to improperly terminate our client’s tenancy.

Litige civil

Blaneys Court of Appeal Summaries (October 11-14, 2016)

  • 17 octobre 2016
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Summaries for the week’s civil decisions. Topics include spousal support, the stay of an appeal from a contempt order, and of an action under the Arbitration Act. In Singh v Trump, the Court set aside a motion judge’s order dismissing claims against Donald Trump and reinstated claims dismissed by the motions judge that were not properly before him. We all know what happened last time Trump disagreed with a judge presiding over his case.

Litige civil
Blaneys Court of Appeal Summaries (October 3-7, 2016)

Blaneys Court of Appeal Summaries (October 3-7, 2016)

  • 15 octobre 2016
  • John Polyzogopoulos

There were five substantive civil decisions released and summarized this week. They dealt with duty of care, wrongful termination, the difference between litigation experts and participant experts, legal and equitable assignments, as well as an endorsement amending an order requiring counsel asserting a solicitors lien to produce the file to new counsel.

Litige civil

Blaneys Court of Appeal Summaries (September 26 - 30, 2016)

  • 03 octobre 2016
  • Chad Kopach

There were seven substantive civil decisions released this week, and three of note: 407 ETR Concession Company Limited v. Day; Trillium Motor World Ltd. v. General Motors of Canada Limited; and Enerzone Inc. v. Ontario (Revenue). In particular, in 407 ETR Concession Company Limited v. Day, the Court approved the contractual extension of the limitation period in the 407 transponder lease agreements.

Litige civil

Blaneys Court of Appeal Summaries (September 19 – 23, 2016)

  • 27 septembre 2016
  • John Polyzogopoulos

There were several substantive civil decision released this week. They included a priority dispute in the receivership, a motion to stay a Superior Court order pending the determination of a leave application to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada, and an option to purchase a property and a question as to the ensuing rent owed.

Litige civil

Blaneys Court of Appeal Summaries (September 12-16, 2016)

  • 27 septembre 2016
  • Lea Nebel

There were three substantive civil decisions this week. Williams v. Toronto (City), is a class action against the City for negligence by tenants who occupied rooming houses with analysis on the legal test for finding a duty of care in negligence. Thompson v. Ontario (Attorney General) focuses on whether Brian's Law violates the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Balev v. Baggot concerns the meaning of habitual residence in the Hague Convention.

Litige civil

Blaneys Court of Appeal Summaries (July 11 – July 15)

  • 18 juillet 2016
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Below are the summaries of this week’s civil decisions released by the Court of Appeal for Ontario. Topics covered include summary judgment in the context of medmal, fraud and debtor-creditor claims, the ability (or lack thereof) to appeal from arbitral decisions on issues of jurisdiction, and a family law decision involving a claim to unequal division of family property. As always, we welcome your comments and feedback.

Litige civil

Blaneys Court of Appeal Summaries (July 4 – July 8)

  • 18 juillet 2016
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Summaries of this week’s civil decisions released by our Court of Appeal. Areas of law covered include Municipal Law, Civil Procedure, Administrative Law, Contracts, Family Law, Crown Liability, Condominium Law, and Real Property Law.

Litige civil

Blaneys Court of Appeal Summaries (June 27-June 30

  • 18 juillet 2016
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Happy Canada Day to all of you! The Court of Appeal released several decisions this week, most of them yesterday afternoon. The most notable decision of the week was in the Trinity Western case in which the Court upheld the Law Society’s decision denying TWU’s application for accreditation as a law school.

Litige civil