Articles 2022


Online Daily Court Lists

  • 05 mai 2014
  • Molly Reynolds

Effective Monday May 5, 2014, counsel will be able to access online the Court Cases Lists for all Ontario Court of Justice and Superior Court of Justice matters across Ontario.

Litige civil
Will new PIPEDA amendments spur privacy class actions?

Will new PIPEDA amendments spur privacy class actions?

  • 15 avril 2014
  • Molly Reynolds

The Federal Government has introduced Bill S-4 to amend PIPEDA to require mandatory data breach notification, as well as enhanced powers for the Privacy Commissioner. Whether the amendments will be enacted as drafted, and the effect of the proposed provisions on Canada's privacy class action landscape remain to be seen.

Litige civil

Commercial List Update: New guidance on summary judgment motions before Justice Brown

  • 20 mars 2014
  • Molly Reynolds, Torys LLP

Justice David M. Brown recently released two endorsements regarding the process for scheduling and case managing summary judgment motions before him on the Superior Court Commercial List. Counsel would be well-served to review these guidelines before scheduling summary judgment motions on the Commercial List.

Litige civil

Reach Gives Way to Stretch: Top Court Clarifies the Tort of Unlawful Interference

  • 10 mars 2014
  • Brendan Clancy

The recent SCC decision in A.I. Enterprises Ltd. v. Bram Enterprises Ltd. provides some welcome clarity to the tort of unlawful interference with economic relations. Although it represents a departure from previous Ontario jurisprudence, the decision should give commercial actors a better idea of whether their actions will be viewed as tortious or as legitimate competitive activities.

Litige civil
Lincoln on lawyers

Lincoln on lawyers

  • 30 janvier 2014
  • Chris Jaglowitz

Now, more than ever, lawyers need to think more like Lincoln.

Litige civil
The Reality of Releases

The Reality of Releases

  • 14 janvier 2014
  • Catherine Korte

Court of Appeal for Ontario upholds dismissal of case launched by failed Dragon's Den participant; release authorized fictional or defamatory portayals

Litige civil

Member Notice - Corporate Law Reform

  • 21 juin 2013
  • David Decker

The Ministry of Consumer Services has asked the OBA to assist in developing priorities for corporate law reform in Ontario.

Litige civil