Articles 2020

The Admission of Expert Evidence: The role of impartiality

The Admission of Expert Evidence: The role of impartiality

  • 19 mai 2015
  • Scott Rollwagen

In White Burgess Langille Inman v. Abbott and Haliburton Co., 2015 SCC 23, the Supreme Court of Canada has provided much-needed guidance as to the relationship between the requirement of impartiality and the question whether the court should receive the expert’s evidence at all.

Litige civil
Blaney's Court of Appeal Sumamries (April 27 – May 1, 2015)

Blaney's Court of Appeal Sumamries (April 27 – May 1, 2015)

  • 04 mai 2015
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Hello everyone. Below are summaries of this week’s Ontario Court of Appeal civil decisions (non-criminal). Topics covered include family law, construction liens, constructive dismissal, insurance law in relation to the calculation of the amount of a subrogated claim by OHIP in a personal injury action and in the reduction of benefits under an LTD policy upon receipt of CPP payments, and a motion to strike for no cause of action and the right to amend pleadings in that context.

Litige civil

Technology Report

  • 04 mai 2015
  • Geoffrey D. Mowatt

OBA Technology Report regarding Courtside EDX, Shake and CudaSign

Litige civil
‘Downshift’ Your Cases... Or Pay the Price

‘Downshift’ Your Cases... Or Pay the Price

  • 04 mai 2015
  • Jeremy Martin

In Bernstein v. Poon, 2015 ONSC 2125, Justice Mew had an opportunity to deal with some of the most frustrating aspects of a case that "isn't about the money". The decision was a costs endorsement concerning two rival weight loss gurus engaged in a defamation action.

Litige civil
Blaney's Court of Appeal Summaries (April 13 - 17, 2015)

Blaney's Court of Appeal Summaries (April 13 - 17, 2015)

  • 23 avril 2015
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Below are summaries of this week’s OCA civil decisions (non-criminal). Topics covered include certification of a copyright class action brought by land surveyors against Teranet Inc for providing access to their plans, reasonable notice of termination of employment, stay of proceedings in both the creditor-debtor and immigration law context, and franchise law.

Litige civil