Articles 2020


Court of Appeal Summaries (July 19-23)

  • 26 juillet 2021
  • John Polyzogopoulos

In Florence v Benzaguen, the Court grappled with the issue of whether it is settled law in Ontario that doctors do not owe a duty of care to an unborn child pre-conception. The majority struck the Appellants’ claim of negligence, holding that no duty of care is not recognized at law. In dissent, Fairburn A.C.J.O. held that this issue was not settled law and ought to be decided at trial. I suspect this may not be the last word on the issue.

Litige civil, Student Forum

Court of Appeal Summaries (July 12-16)

  • 19 juillet 2021
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Following are this week’s summaries of the Court of Appeal for Ontario for the week of July 16, 2021. Topics covered this week included several family law decisions relating to custody and access, relocation and spousal support and labour law (duty to bargain in good faith).

Litige civil, Student Forum

Court of Appeal Summaries (July 2-9)

  • 12 juillet 2021
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Following are this week’s summaries of the Court of Appeal for Ontario for the week of July 5, 2021. Topics covered this week included civil forfeiture of proceeds of unlawful activity, regulated professions, family law, breach of fiduciary duty in a partnership context, and stay pending appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada.

Litige civil, Student Forum

Court of Appeal Summaries (June 28-30)

  • 05 juillet 2021
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Following are our summaries of the civil decisions of the Court of Appeal for Ontario for the short week of June 28 to 30, 2021. If there are any decisions released on Friday, July 2, our summaries of those decisions will be included with our posting of summaries for the week of July 5.

Litige civil, Student Forum

Court of Appeal Summaries (June 21 - 25)

  • 03 juillet 2021
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Following are our summaries of the civil decisions of the Court of Appeal for Ontario for the week of June 21, 2021.

Litige civil, Student Forum

Court of Appeal Summaries (June 14-18)

  • 24 juin 2021
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Following are this week's summaries of the Court of Appeal for Ontario for the week of June 14, 2021.

Litige civil, Student Forum

Court of Appeal Summaries (June 7 - 11)

  • 21 juin 2021
  • John Polyzogopoulos

In O'Reilly v. ClearMRI Solutions Ltd, the Court set aside the motion judge’s determination that that the two appellant corporations were common employers, and set aside the judgment against one of them. In Wiseau Studio, LLC v. Harper, on a motion to review, the Court, with very brief reasons, set aside Justice Thorburn’s ground-breaking order for security for judgment ordered against the appellants.

Litige civil, Student Forum

Court of Appeal Summaries (May 25-28)

  • 05 juin 2021
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Following are our summaries of the civil decisions of the Court of Appeal for Ontario for the week of May 25, 2021.

Litige civil, Student Forum

Court of Appeal Summaries (May 17-21, 2021)

  • 21 mai 2021
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Following are this week’s summaries of the civil decisions of the Court of Appeal for Ontario for the week of May 17, 2021.

Litige civil, Student Forum

Editor's Message

  • 21 mai 2021
  • David Milosevic

A message from the editor.

Litige civil, Student Forum