
About ArticlesLes articles ci-dessous sont publiés par la Section droit des enfants et des jeunes de l'Association du Barreau de l'Ontario. Les membres sont invités à soumettre des articles. About Articles

Editor: Brock B. Jones


What is "Open" Custody?

  • 22 février 2016
  • Brock Jones

What is the difference between "secure" and "open" custody in youth criminal justice proceedings?

Droit des enfants et des jeunes

Child Refugees and Migrants

  • 02 février 2016
  • Emily Chan

Child Refugees and Migrants: the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in Kanthasamy v Canada, 2015 SCC 61

Droit des enfants et des jeunes

A Punch is Still a Punch - Mens rea and young persons

  • 18 janvier 2016
  • Brock Jones

Should courts apply a different standard when assessing the necessary mens rea – or criminal intent – to ground a finding of guilt when the defendant is a young person?

Droit des enfants et des jeunes

Effective and Ethical Representation of Young People

  • 14 décembre 2015
  • Carina Chan and Jessica Walsh

On November 19, 2015, the OBA held an event titled “Effective and Ethical Representation of Young People”. The program was co-chaired by section executive members Mary Birdselland Emma Rhodes. This article summarizes the program.

Ontario Passes Protecting Child Performers Act

  • 05 août 2015
  • Bob Tarantino

On April 30, 2015, Ontario passed Bill 17, entitled the Protecting Child Performers Act. It comes into force in February 2016. The Act changes in critical ways the obligations of Ontario employers of children in the entertainment industries.

Droit des enfants et des jeunes

A Review of the Law of Parens Patriae

  • 08 juillet 2015
  • The Hon. Justice Heather McGee

Justice McGee addressed the Child and Youth Law section at our year end event about the doctrine of parens patriae and its development in Canadian jurisprudence.

Droit des enfants et des jeunes

“Merging” And The Principles of Fundamental Justice

  • 08 juin 2015
  • Brock Jones

How should the principles of fundamental justice provided under section 7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms be applied when an offender co-exists in both the youth and adult criminal justice systems? In Erasmo v Canada (Attorney-General) 2015 FCA 129 the Federal Court of Appeal was asked to decide the constitutionality of the “merger provisions” of the Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46 and the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, S.C. 1992, c. 20.

Droit des enfants et des jeunes