Articles 2022


Respecting the Fundamental Rights of Children

  • 22 septembre 2020
  • Brock Jones

Children always have the right to independent legal advice. In Justice for Children and Youth v. J.G., 2020 ONSC 4716, the Divisional Court reviewed a decision by a Superior Court Judge denying a child access to independent legal advice in the context of a high custody dispute between his parents over custody and access. The judgment contains powerful statements on the rights of children and the importance of courts respecting them as independent decision-makers.

Droit des enfants et des jeunes, Student Forum

Program Recap: New Privacy Obligations under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act

  • 07 juillet 2020
  • Bridget McInnis, JD (Certificate in Aboriginal Legal Studies), MSW

On June 25, the OBA convened a webinar panel of legal practitioners in the field of child and youth law to discuss the impact that Part X of the Child, Youth, and Family Services Act will have on service providers, and the challenges that are likely to arise throughout its implementation across the province.

Droit des enfants et des jeunes, Student Forum

Recent Court Innovations For Matters Involving Children and Youth

  • 19 mai 2020
  • Brock Jones, David Tobin and Jane Stewart

The practice of law in Ontario has undergone unprecedented change due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, court matters for children and youth have been able to adapt to the current crisis. Much work and innovation must still be done, yet there are signs of progress. This article explores what has been changing in both family and youth criminal court over the past six weeks.

Droit des enfants et des jeunes, Student Forum

Who’s Checking in on Youth in the Justice System?

  • 07 mai 2020
  • Rowena Pinto, Rachel Gouin, Cheryl Milne, Shawn Bayes, Mary Birdsell, Heather Sago, Senator Kim Pate

Child rights advocates, including two members of the OBA Child and Youth Law Section, express concern for the safety of children deprived of their liberty in Canada during #COVID19. Read their open Letter to federal, provincial and territorial Ministers of Justice.

Droit des enfants et des jeunes, Student Forum

Adult Sentence Upheld For Historical Crimes

  • 20 mars 2020
  • Brock B. Jones

How should a court assess the appropriateness of an adult sentence application by the Crown when there has been 24 years since the commission of the offence and the sentencing proceeding? A review of R v RM, 2020 ONCA 231.

Droit des enfants et des jeunes, Student Forum

Bill C-92 and its impact on your practice

  • 17 décembre 2019
  • Aubrey Abaya

Review of the November 28th program co-chaired by the Aboriginal Law and Child and Youth Law sections entitled: Legislative Spotlight: Bill C-92 and its impact on your practice.

Droit des enfants et des jeunes, Student Forum

Delay in Youth Court Proceedings: R v K.J.M. 2019 SCC 55

  • 20 novembre 2019
  • Brock Jones

The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that the Jordan framework for assessing whether or not an accused person has been tried within a reasonable time applies to young persons.

Droit des enfants et des jeunes, Student Forum

Ontario Ombudsman and the CYFSA

  • 18 octobre 2019
  • Jean-Frédéric Hübsch

This article explains the role of the Ontario Ombudsman with respect to service providers who operate under the CYFSA.

Droit des enfants et des jeunes, Student Forum

Presented at the 2019 OBA Institute

  • 30 mars 2019
  • Shmuel Stern

There were a large number of Child and Youth Law court decisions and news stories in 2018. We’ve compiled this list to highlight the growing recognition of the many legal issues directly affecting children and the list for 2019 is already well along its way.

Droit des enfants et des jeunes, Student Forum


  • 17 janvier 2019
  • Rebecca Bromwich

Considering Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, youth justice, and the rights of the child.

Droit des enfants et des jeunes, Student Forum