
About ArticlesLes articles ci-dessous sont publiés par la Section du droit des affaires de l'Association du Barreau de l'Ontario. Les membres sont invités à soumettre des articles.  A propos des articles.

Rédacteurs : David Chaiton, David Reynolds


Impact of the Indalex Decision on Secured Lending

  • 27 novembre 2011
  • Barbara J. Boake, James D. Gage, Kevin P. McElcheran

In August 2011, in the proceedings of Indalex Limited under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, the Ontario Court of Appeal made the surprising decision to give priority to Indalex’s pension plan wind-up deficiency claims over the claims of Indalex’s CCAA-secured lender.

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New National Instrument 45-106 Reporting Form in British Columbia

  • 25 novembre 2011
  • Nancy Choi

Effective October 3, 2011, National Instrument 45-106 - Prospectus and Registration Exemptions (“NI 45-106”) has been amended to include the filing of a new form for the report of exempt distributions (“Form 45-106F6”).

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Other Cases

  • 21 novembre 2011

1. Domain Names are “Property” for Ontario Rules of Civil Procedure 2. Breach of PPSA as Defence to Guarantee? 3. No Proposal, No Stay Order 4. Criminal Fraud Charges v. Acceleration of the Debt 5. Recall Rights and WEPPA Claims 6. Knowledge of Prior Security Interests by a Creditor Corporation

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Supreme Court of Canada

  • 21 novembre 2011

1. Tax Exemption for Indians 2. MNR Requirement to Pay on Joint Bank Account

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