CPD Programming

OBA PEER SUPPORT NETWORK Lawyers Living with a Disability


The OBA will continue to develop important programming that recognizes the demands put on lawyers who live and work with disabilities providing them with the practical tools, supports and strategies to ensure success.

OBA Speakers Series - An Inspiring Story of Survival (with Rumana Monzur and Denise Chong)
OBA Speakers Series Event

The Working Mind (Workplace Mental Health and Wellness Training) - WEBCAST ONLY
April 16

OBA Book Club Reads: Parenting Through the Storm – How to Handle the Highs, the Lows and Everything in Between
OBA Community Discussion Video

Inclusive Leader Series: Working Towards Neurodiversity Inclusion
On-Demand CPD Video

How Lawyers with Disabilities and Their Allies Are Creating Change in the Legal Profession 
On-Demand CPD Video

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion for Lawyers with Disabilities in the Practice of Law
On-Demand CPD Video