

Toronto Region Bail Hearings to be held by Zoom for 23 division and 14 division

  • 15 mars 2021

Effective Tuesday, March 16, 2021, bail hearings from 23 division supporting 2201 Finch and 14 division supporting Old City Hall will take place by Zoom.  While video bails from these divisions will take place by Zoom, pre and post court consultations/interviews with in-custody accused at 23 and 14 divisions will continue to be held by JVN webRTC.  Zoom connection details are available for 2201 Finch (courtroom 206) and Old City Hall (courtrooms 111 and 114). 

Federal Court Practice Guidelines re Urgent Stay Motions for Removals from Canada

  • 18 février 2021

The Federal Court has issued new practice guidelines for immigration and refugee proceedings, specifically related to urgent stay motions for removals from Canada. The guidelines provide information on how to bring motions for stays of removal, and the form and content of stay motions. For more information, see the Notice.

SCJ: Feb 9 Update

  • 10 février 2021

The Hon. David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, announced the appointment of the Hon. Mark L. Edwards as Regional Senior Judge of the SCJ for the Central East Region. For more information, please see here.

Upcoming Divorce Act Changes

  • 05 février 2021

As of March 1, 2021, both the Divorce Act and the Children’s Law Reform Act will be amended to include significant changes to divorce, separation and parenting. The changes to the Divorce Act include amendments to the Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings regulation under that act.