
MAG enhancing e-Filing service on October 23, 2017, available across Ontario in November.

  • 04 octobre 2017

This year the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General introduced a new online service for filing civil claims for six locations in the Superior Court of Justice. The service, which can be accessed here, has been available in the pilot locations of Brampton, Ottawa, London, Newmarket and Sudbury for approximately five months and in Toronto for two months.

Notice of Annual General Meeting

  • 13 juillet 2017

In accordance with the OBA By-law, all members are hereby advised that the OBA annual meeting is scheduled to take place on Friday, September 15, 2017 at 6 p.m.

Important Notices from the Toronto Estates Office

  • 06 juillet 2017

Members practicing in Trusts and Estates law should note the following notices from the Toronto Estates Office regarding confirmation forms and the use of USB keys for applications and motions.