
Doug Downey of OBA says Ryerson-run LPP to be "cutting edge"

  • 12 décembre 2013

Doug Downey, OBA treasurer and head of the OBA’s advisory committee on the new Law Practice Program, says in an interview that Ryerson University was picked to run it because its expertise in digital technology will mean “a cutting edge experience” for students.

Adam Ship honoured with OBA Award for Excellence in Franchise Law

  • 26 novembre 2013

Ship, an associate at McCarthy Tétrault, has been awarded the Ontario Bar Association’s 2013 Markus Cohen QC Memorial Award for Excellence in Franchise Law, in recognition of his outstanding written contribution to the development of franchise law in 2013.

OBA honour for McMurtry in the Law Times

OBA honour for McMurtry in the Law Times

  • 19 novembre 2013

The OBA’s recognition of Roy McMurtry, former chief justice of Ontario, with an award for his contributions to establishing and promoting the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in the province, was noted in the Law Times.