The Art of Practice

For lawyers with a higher calling, effective practice is an art. Check in for regular case summaries, practice points, client service tips and more.

line of women on a fashion show runway

More than Just a Trend: The Copyright Protection of Fashion Designs

  • December 05, 2019
  • Alessia Monastero

Debate surrounding the copyrightability of fashion designs has created significant conversation across various jurisdictions. As designers seek greater protection of their creative works, there continues to exist an interesting and complex dynamic between granting protection and ensuring that essential elements and designs remain part of the public domain.

Innovation in Legal Practice – Why Now?

Innovation in Legal Practice – Why Now?

  • November 22, 2019
  • Colin Stevenson

In this address – delivered in Kingston at the OBA’s September Council Meeting – President Colin Stevenson explains the impetus behind his practice innovation mandate and outlines how the OBA will help all members keep pace with the rate of change.

Man with binocular screens of binary code behind him

All Eyes on You: Digital Privacy and Your Devices

  • June 12, 2019
  • Steven Threndyle

Who is following in the electronic footprints that our fitness tracker, smartwatch, cellphone and computer activity leave behind? Privacy law experts examine the legal protections and pitfalls around personal data.

Hooded figure at laptop with coding coming down like rain

The Risky Business of Document Sharing

  • June 06, 2019
  • Michael Sauber

The most common methods of sharing documents with clients, opposing firms, and others may be placing you and your firm at risk. To protect confidentiality, today’s technology offers much more secure ways to exchange documents.

silhouette of person in dark cell, single beam of light on them.

At a Crossroads on Solitary Confinement

  • June 05, 2019
  • Michael Rosenberg

This year’s recipient of the OBA's Heather McArthur Memorial Young Lawyers Award offers an insider’s view of a concerted constitutional challenge aimed at ending an inhumane practice in our prisons.