The Art of Practice

For lawyers with a higher calling, effective practice is an art. Check in for regular case summaries, practice points, client service tips and more.

Man holding his head while looking at some documents on table

When Client Demands Outstrip Your Resources

  • June 20, 2017
  • Samantha Biglou and Erin Cowling

When an emergency room has too many patients and not enough doctors to address the demands, some hospitals declare a “Code Census”. Similarly, in law offices, client demands may outstrip the resources needed to address them. This article outlines steps lawyers can take to avoid, as well as what to do during, a Code Census while meeting one’s professional obligations.

Black and White painting of trees by a shore with red coloring mixed in

The Torture Cases: A lawyer’s experience

  • June 20, 2017
  • Saba Ahmad

Phil Tunley shares his experience and insights about trial preparation, client management and advancing Charter claims in the context of some of the worst human rights abuses ever litigated in Canada.

Man and woman shaking hands

The Personal Touch Still Matters

  • June 19, 2017
  • Kathleen Robichaud

Kathleen Robichaud discusses the importance of human interaction in legal services, particularly in this age of automation.

What Will Law Practice Look Like in 2027?

  • December 18, 2016
  • Compiled by Sam R. Sasso

We asked seven innovative lawyers to look 10 years into the horizon and predict where they think the practice of law will be in 2027

A Practical Guide to Costs When Dealing With Self-Represented Litigants

  • December 18, 2016
  • Rachel Migicovsky

Self-represented litigants are not familiar with the Rules. They make many requests for documents, request adjournments and deliver voluminous materials, all of which can be costly. Whether you are at the beginning of the litigation, or have won or lost a motion or at trial, you will want to consider the following when dealing with costs against or for a self-represented litigant: 

Man looking down at laptop with glasses pushed down his nose

Discrimination in Wills: How far can it go?

  • September 30, 2016
  • Helen Burgess

A central tenet in estates law is that “a person has the right, subject to fulfilling specific legal obligations to dependants, to dispose of his or her estate in an absurd or capricious manner, whatever others may think of the fairness or reasonableness of the dispositions”. But what if the Will is discriminatory or found to be harmful to the public?