Submissions 2019


Gouvernement provincial

Amending the Personal Property Security Act to clarify issues regarding Purchase Money Security Interests

  • 08 décembre 2020

The OBA sought to amend the Personal Property Security Act (PPSA) to clarify issues with respect to the Purchase Money Security Interest (PMSI) regime. The existing regime can result in confusions making them a relatively ineffective security. This also can lead to unnecessarily complex situations causing accounting issues and uncertainty in the correct allocation of payments to creditors. This proposal seeks to amend the PPSA to clarify these issues.

Droit des affaires

Gouvernement provincial, Autres

Feedback to the HRTO on their electronic hearings

  • 07 décembre 2020

The OBA provided feedback on the experience our members have had with electronic hearings including advocating for an expansion of the use of videoconference as well as continued dialogue to develop best practices and guidelines.

Droit administratif, Droit du travail et de l’emploi

Barreau du Haut-Canada

OBA Submission to the Law Society of Ontario re: Family Legal Services Provider Licence

  • 30 novembre 2020

OBA Submission to the Law Society of Ontario re: Family Legal Services Provider Licence The OBA provided this submission to the Law Society of Ontario in response to the LSO’s consultation on the Family Legal Services Provider Licence, which would permit paralegals to practice in certain areas of family law.

Droit de la famille, Forum des avocates

Gouvernement provincial

Submission on the impact of Calmusky decision for estate planning in Ontario

  • 17 novembre 2020

The OBA provided a submission to the Attorney General and the Minister of Finance on the impact of the Calmusky decision for estate planning in Ontario and proposed legislative amendments to remedy same.

Elder Law, Droit de la famille, Droit des assurances et 2 en plus, Droit des régimes de retraite et des avantages sociaux, Droit des fiducies et des successions


OBA Submission on the Consultation on the Financial Services Tribunal Practice Directions: In-Person Hearings COVID-19 and Electronic Hearings

  • 28 octobre 2020

The OBA provided feedback to the Financial Services Tribunal on its two proposed practice directions on In-Person Hearings Covid-19 and Electronic Hearings while supporting fairness and access to justice principles.

Droit administratif, Litige civil, Justice pénale et 2 en plus, Droit des assurances, Droit des régimes de retraite et des avantages sociaux