Submissions 2019


Gouvernement provincial

Submission Regarding Amendments to the Divorce Act

  • 11 novembre 2019

The Ontario Bar Association's Family Law Section has prepared an additional submission to the Ministry of the Attorney General regarding the recent passage of federal legislation, Bill C-78, and its intersection with family law in Ontario.

Droit des enfants et des jeunes, Droit de la famille

Gouvernement provincial, Legal Aid Ontario

OBA Submission Regarding the Legal Aid Ontario Modernization Project

  • 31 octobre 2019

The Ministry of the Attorney General, in partnership with Legal Aid Ontario is currently engaged in the Legal Aid Ontario Modernization Project (“Project”). The mandate of the Project is to develop and implement reform proposals and legislative amendments that will contribute to moving the legal aid system towards sustainability and modernized service delivery to better meet the needs of low-income Ontarians through governance and service delivery improvements.

Droit autochtone, Droit administratif, Mécanismes extrajudiciaires de règlement des conflits et 49 en plus, Air and Space Law, Droit relatif aux animaux, Droit de l’insolvabilité, Droit des affaires, Droit constitutionnel, libertés civiles et droits de la personne, Œuvres de bienfaisance et organismes à but non lucratif, Litige civil, Droit des recours collectifs, Competition Law, Droit de la construction et infrastructure, Association canadienne des conseillers et conseillères juridiques d’entreprises (Section de l’Ontario), Justice pénale, Droit des enfants et des jeunes, E-Discovery Sub-Committee, Droit relatif à l’éducation, Elder Law, Droit de l’environnement, Droit de la famille, Forum des avocates, Droit des franchises, French Speaking Lawyers, Praticien exerçant seul, petit cabinet et pratique générale, Groupe Francophone, Droit relatif à la santé, Citoyenneté et immigration, Droit des assurances, Droit international, Intellectual Prop, Judges Forum, Droit du travail et de l’emploi, Legal Prof Assistance, Gestion de la pratique du droit, Maritime Law, Droit du divertissement, de l'information et des télécommunications, droit militaire, Droit municipal, Richesses naturelles et énergie, Droit des régimes de retraite et des avantages sociaux, Droit de la protection de la vie privée, Avocats du secteur public, Droit immobilier, Sales / Commodity, Orientation et identité sexuelles, Student Forum, Droit fiscal, Technologies de l'information et le droit de la propriété intellectuelle, Droit des fiducies et des successions, Accidents de travail, Young Lawyers' Division

Gouvernement provincial

2019 Regulatory proposals under the Condominium Act, 1998

  • 26 septembre 2019

The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (the “Ministry”) has proposed delegating the administration for 19 forms under the Condominium Act, 1998 (the “Act”) to the Condominium Authority of Ontario (the “CAO”). These 19 forms (collectively, the “Forms”) are some of the most frequently used forms by condominium corporations and owners. It is proposed that 17 of the forms would be delegated to the CAO effective January 1, 2020 and 2 additional forms on July 1, 2020.

Droit immobilier

Gouvernement provincial

OBA Submission on Draft Amendments to the Pension Benefits Act, Electronic Communications

  • 29 août 2019

The OBA has provided a submission in response to the Ministry of Finance’s proposed amendments to the Pension Benefits Act to create a framework that would permit pension plan administrators to use electronic communications as the default method for sending documents to members and former members if they meet certain conditions.

Droit des régimes de retraite et des avantages sociaux

Gouvernement provincial

Proposed New Regulation and Regulation Changes Under the Planning Act, 1990

  • 06 août 2019

The Municipal Law Section of the OBA provided a submission to the provincial government for consideration on the proposed new regulation and regulation changes under the Planning Act, including transition matters, related to Schedule 12 of Bill 108 – the More Homes, More Choice, Act, 2019

Droit municipal

Gouvernement provincial

OBA Submission – Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Act

  • 06 août 2019

he Municipal Law Section of the OBA provided a submission to the provincial government for consideration on the proposed regulations under the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Act, 2017

Droit municipal

Gouvernement provincial

Submission regarding Bill C-78 and its intersection with Ontario family law

  • 23 juillet 2019

The Ontario Bar Association's Family Law Section has prepared a submission to the Ministry of the Attorney General regarding the recent passage of federal legislation, Bill C-78, and its intersection with family law in Ontario.

Droit des enfants et des jeunes, Droit de la famille

Gouvernement provincial

Comments on a Potential Amendment to the Juries Act

  • 09 avril 2019

This submission is in response to the Ministry of the Attorney General's consultaiton on a proposed amendment to the Juries Act regarding accessibility of juror information. The OBA supports maintaining the privacy standards currently in place but enhancing the security around such privacy.

Litige civil, Justice pénale, Droit des assurances et 1 en plus, Droit de la protection de la vie privée

Gouvernement provincial

Comments on the Proposed Pay Transparency Reporting Requirements

  • 09 avril 2019

This submission is in response to the Ministry of Labour’s consultation on the proposed pay transparency reporting requirements. The OBA provides feedback on capturing compensation differences, calculating gender gaps and the establishment of a clear reporting period.

Association canadienne des conseillers et conseillères juridiques d’entreprises (Section de l’Ontario), Forum des avocates, Droit du travail et de l’emploi et 1 en plus, Orientation et identité sexuelles