Votre carrière

Que vous en soyez à bâtir, à gérer, à embaucher ou à prendre votre retraite, nous traitons de tous les aspects de votre carrière pour vous aider à atteindre le succès. 

Justin Duncan

Meet EcoJustice

  • 30 novembre 2015
  • Justin Duncan

Lawyers have a unique role to play in environmental protection. Legal precedents can make lasting changes and strengthen environmental laws. That’s why Ecojustice exists: using the law, we give Canadians a voice to protect their air, water and land in the courtroom.

Trevor Branion and Chris Williams

Common Career Transition Mistakes

  • 20 novembre 2015
  • Trevor Branion and Chris Williams

Legal recruiters Trevor Branion and Chris Williams outline the most common mistakes lawyers make when transitioning their career.


7 Easy Content Marketing Tips for Every Lawyer

  • 19 novembre 2015

Your clients don’t care about your marketing goals; they care about value. Prove you can give them what they want before they even come to the table, and you will be miles ahead of the competition.

Chart of bright coloured people in a chart

Going In-House

  • 01 août 2015
  • Dal Bhathal

Key issues to consider when exploring an in-house career.

shadowy figure looking at a signpost with directions in four ways

Big Law Blues

  • 01 janvier 2015
  • Lee Akazaki

Looking back at Ontario practice over the last 30 years - where do new lawyers go from here?

Woman blindfolded standing on the edge of the top of a building

Stage de droit sans reperesè

  • 01 janvier 2015
  • Jeremy Martin

Notes, stages, embauches... et puis quoi encore? Quoi faire pour régler la crise d'identié des stages?