Emplois d’été, stages, réseautage, mentorat et plus – découvrez ici nos conseils, trucs et discussions sur les enjeux qui concernent les étudiants en droit et les avocats débutants en Ontario. 

Black and white picture of a courthouse

5 Tips For Arguing Your First Appeal

  • 16 décembre 2015
  • Brock Jones

Everyone’s first court appearance can be an intimidating experience. Appearing in front a busy judge in a packed courtroom can test your mettle in ways you never imagined. Especially for younger lawyers, who are building their reputations and just want to be seen as professional and diligent, the stakes are high.

three people standing in front of a bus.

Avoiding the Abyss

  • 04 décembre 2015
  • Ryan Wozniak

The rigours of practising law, which are by no means exclusive to trial counsel, can leave one feeling isolated and distant. Day after day goes by to the point that it appears as if the planet begins at our in-tray and ends at our keyboard. When a massive EF5 tornado touched down in Moore, Oklahoma last May, Ontario lawyer Ryan Wozniak booked a flight, grabbed his work boots and joined Habitat for Humanity’s disaster recovery efforts in the devastated community.

cartoon image of giant man yelling at a small man and woman

Les contacts avec un avocat principal difficile

  • 04 décembre 2015
  • Justin Jakubiak and Stephanie De Caria

Cet article offre à la fois l’expérience personnelle récente de Stephanie De Caria, qui a dû travailler avec un avocat adverse difficile, et le point de vue de Justin Jakubiak, membre plus expérimenté du Barreau, sur la question très répandue de l’intimidation entre avocats, en particulier d’un avocat débutant par un avocat ayant plus d’expérience.

Justin Duncan

Meet EcoJustice

  • 30 novembre 2015
  • Justin Duncan

Lawyers have a unique role to play in environmental protection. Legal precedents can make lasting changes and strengthen environmental laws. That’s why Ecojustice exists: using the law, we give Canadians a voice to protect their air, water and land in the courtroom.

Chart of bright coloured people in a chart

Going In-House

  • 01 août 2015
  • Dal Bhathal

Key issues to consider when exploring an in-house career.