Meet the CBA’s New Vice-President August 23, 2018 Stacey Hsu A candid conversation with Vivene Salmon reveals her advice for young lawyers and how she will make CBA history.
Misrepresented: What television and film get wrong about lawyers August 23, 2018 OBA members share some of the more blatant inaccuracies about their profession’s on-screen depiction.
New Additions to OBA Foundation Justice Video Library May 16, 2018 Anton Katz Recently the OBA Foundation add four new video titles to its library covering Family Law, Bankruptcy, Employment Law and Real Estate.
2018 OBA Awards Gala April 11, 2018 Information about the 2018 OBA award winners including photos and news
In-House Influence: Demanding diversity and inclusion December 18, 2017 Helen Liu We, as in-house counsel, are in a privileged position as clients vis-à-vis law firms. We can be role models for diversity and inclusion in the legal profession.
When Knowing is Half the Battle December 14, 2017 Hilary Linton The legal profession has come a long way in screening for intimate partner violence. We now have the right questions, but where are the answers?
Taking Steps: How three law firms are addressing barriers faced by racialized licensees December 11, 2017 Ashley Schuitema Ashley Schuitema interviews three partners at three different law firms to find out what steps their firms have taken to meet the LSUC's requirements.
Bionic Lawyers: AI, tech & automating your legal practice October 04, 2017 Adrian Camara A zero-hype article about AI, tech and automating your legal practice.