The Community

Written by lawyers for lawyers, by its very nature JUST. is an extension of the OBA community. Learn how your peers are dealing with common challenges; read about the struggles and achievements of your favourite legal icons and hear what other lawyers have to say about the state of affairs within the legal profession.  This section is all about learning, sharing and exchanging, lawyer to lawyer.

Roy McMurtry

Where the Lions Are...

  • April 01, 2014
  • Michael Cochrane

Two very different books, two very different leaders: Rob Ford and Roy McMurtry.

Sign with "Bitcoin" written on it

Bitccoin 101

  • April 01, 2014
  • James Morton

Everybody's talking about Bitcoin. What is it, and what does it mean for lawyers?

Two hands holding multiple shapes

Creative Counsel

  • April 01, 2014
  • Catherine Brennan

It's amazing what a little creativity can do.

Marc Bolan

Glam Rock Legacy

  • January 01, 2014
  • William Genereux

The tragic legal legacy of T-Rex’s Marc Bolan.