At the OBA

As an essential ally and advocate for members of the legal profession, the OBA promotes fair justice systems, facilitates effective law reform, upholds equality in the legal profession and is devoted to eliminating discrimination.

Rumana Monzur stands behind podium addressing speakers series attendees

Hope and Hard-Won Wisdom Out of Darkness

  • June 10, 2024
  • Direct quotes from Rumana Monzur

After suffering a brutal attack at the hands of her then husband that left her blind, Rumana Monzur not only went on to complete her master’s degree, graduate from law school and work as a litigator for the Department of Justice in Vancouver, she became an advocate for the rights of women and persons living with disabilities.

head-shot photo of OBA President Kelly McDermott

President’s Message: Creating, connecting and crossing paths

  • March 11, 2024
  • Kelly McDermott

As I reach the one-year milestone of my super-sized presidency, I marvel at the progress made in a mandate so meaningful to me and at the overwhelming encouragement from an OBA community of lawyers, students, staff and other legal professionals and partners who have ensured the thoughtful delivery and perpetual proliferation of our new and enhanced networks of peer support.

photo of award recipient Linda Plumpton at the Civil Dinner

“Voices through Which the Vulnerable Speak”: Civil Words from a Celebrated Advocate

  • November 30, 2023
  • Direct quotes from Linda Plumpton

Accepting the 2023 OBA Award for Excellence in Civil Litigation in front of a Ritz-Carlton dining room filled with friends, family and leaders of the bench and civil litigation bar, Linda Plumpton spoke of the alchemy of compelling advocacy, the ability of lawyers to change lives, and the responsibility to use gifts of persuasion to guard hard-fought victories in the fight for a fair and equitable society.

head-shot photo of OBA President Kelly McDermott

President's Message: Measuring Success by Your Impact on Others

  • November 30, 2023
  • Kelly McDermott

I am honoured to lead an Association of lawyers who are making the law more accessible; who are paving the way for new lawyers; who come together to learn and laugh; and who always show up for each other to commiserate and motivate, to support and celebrate.

photo of OBA Career Accelerator participants, standing in OBA member lounge in front of TV screen with Career Accelerator logo

Igniting the Influence of Indigenous and Racialized Lawyers at the Forefront of Practice

  • August 30, 2023
  • Emily Sinkins

Legal leaders on the rise reveal how the OBA Career Accelerator Program, an innovative initiative designed to advance the participation of Black, Indigenous and racialized early- and mid-career lawyers in emerging areas of law, has provided them with the specialized training and unparalleled support to forge new paths and ascend to roles of impact on the cutting edge of the profession.

illustration of tokens representing business solutions, checklists, and clipboards, with magnifying glass placed over token with rocket ship icon

OBA Sets its Sights on Tackling the Backlog and Meaningful Reform of the Civil Justice System

  • August 30, 2023
  • Michael Speers

In the face of mounting challenges exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the OBA continues to demonstrate its commitment to improve justice and work to ensure more accessible legal proceedings for Ontarians. Lawyers from across the province have united under the leadership of the OBA, exploring innovative solutions to address the short-term backlog in the courts and spearheading efforts for meaningful long-term civil justice reform.

head-shot photo of OBA President Kelly McDermott

President's Message: A fresh outlook on lawyer community

  • August 28, 2023
  • Kelly McDermott

It occurs to me there are some lessons we would do well to revisit even well into our legal careers. It’s easy to become so busy – once we’ve established ourselves in practice, advanced in our field, assumed a rapidly expanding roster of clients, cases or responsibilities – that we find ourselves operating on auto-pilot and losing sight of some questions fundamental to our success and satisfaction.

photo of OBA President Kelly McDermott

President's Message: The peer support that sustains us

  • May 31, 2023
  • Kelly McDermott

When I was speaking about my presidential mandate at the last OBA Council Meeting and soliciting feedback from members on where support was most needed, it was like the floodgates had opened – it was so validating to hear that situations or anxieties you imagined uniquely yours were, in fact, quite common.