- You say to yourself “I’m not a math/athletic/ [or insert another description] person”
- You have an “all or nothing” approach – e.g. if you can’t do your full workout, you won’t work out at all that day
- You are feeling stuck, hemmed in
- You don’t take a lot of risks, for fear of failing
- You feel envious of others
- You hate being criticized
- You are feeling generally drained and demoralized
If you identified with any of the above signs, adopting a “growth mindset” (also known as a “get better mindset”) could really change how your life feels and looks, for the better.
A mindset is a belief that biases how you think and act, like a filter you see everything through. (Kelly McGonigal: Upside of Stress)
A mindset change is powerful; it gets to the heart of the matter – how we are showing up/being, which then affects what we do/how we behave, which in turn affects how our lives look and feel. It’s not another big to-do on your list – this is an internal shift to practice day to day. So, if you want to change how your life looks and feels, and so that you have different answers to the questions above, I strongly suggest you dive into this topic a little more deeply. Your return on your investment of time and energy here will be high!
Ideas for next steps:
- Watch researcher Heidi Grant Halvorson’s video, The Incredible Benefits of a Get Better Mindset
- Read my blog post, A Growth Mindset: Why We All Need One.
- Show up (in person or online) for the OBA’s June 1 Mindful Lawyer Program Avoid Burnout: Train for Resilience
By Milisa Burns, LLB & Certified Professional Coach www.milisaburns.com
View the ‘Avoid Burnout: Train for Resilience’ Mindful Lawyer CPD program archived video, available free to OBA members, for tips on adopting a ‘growth mindset.’
The Opening Remarks mental health briefs provide Ontario lawyers with wellness tips and resources from a variety of individuals speaking in their own capacity. The briefs are not a substitute for professional care. If you are in crisis, we encourage you to urgently contact a mental health service provider.