Struggling with a mental health issue? Homewood Health's MAP Peer Program offers lawyers an opportunity to talk it out with a compassionate colleague who has had a similar experience.
Learn more about the Peer Program below:
- Peer volunteers are members of the profession (lawyers, judges and paralegals) who offer support to colleagues going through difficult times
- Peers help by
- Listening
- Empathizing
- Not judging
- Breaking isolation and stigma
- Providing support, encouragement and hope
- Sharing similar lived experiences
- Peer support is completely confidential
- Peers are matched with individuals based on issue, location, gender, age, and other relevant attributes
To request a peer, please contact the Member Assistance Program at 1-855-403-8922 or visit our website at
To volunteer as a peer, send an email to
The Opening Remarks mental health briefs provide Ontario lawyers with wellness tips and resources from a variety of individuals speaking in their own capacity. The briefs are not a substitute for professional care. If you are in crisis, we encourage you to urgently contact a mental health service provider.