Mental health issues sometimes arise from personality and emotional factors that can impact a lawyer's behaviour in the workplace, such as:
- Needing to be admired, which can lead to disillusionment
- Wanting too much to be loved, leading to self-sacrifice
- Insisting on being right on every issue, leading to bullying instead of “lawyering” and resulting in regulatory complaints
- Needing to be needed, leading to emotional and physical exhaustion
- Needing to be 'all things' to others, leading to a lack of role definition and eventual failure
Lawyers are best advised to take stock of how they handle relationships connected to their work as well as overall work-life balance.
Recognizing problems, attitudes or inclinations before they get out of control and seeking psychological help is a great investment in a healthy and productive legal career. The use of mentors and coaches can also be effective, if only to draw attention to issues.