Two-week challenge

March 26, 2015

On March 25th,  2015 the OBA’s Mindful Lawyer CPD series featured three excellent guest speakers who have personal ties to the legal profession. During this highly rated session (available by webcast), Dr. Odessa Gill, Milisa Burns, and Melissa Moore, issued a two-week challenge. Why not give it a try and see how it positively impacts your lifestyle?

Two-week challenge

Step 1: Commit to one small step/action item below and perform it each day for a two-week period. If possible, find an accountability buddy to do this with – success will be more likely.

Step 2: Evaluate the ripple effect in your life at the end of the two weeks.

  • Start meditating – a minimum of three minutes at a time.
  • Walk around the block for 10 minutes each day (commit to a time each day and insert it in your calendar as an appointment).
  • Take 5-10 minutes each day to write a gratitude journal entry.
  • Ever hour, stand up and stretch for 5 minutes. Connect to your body.
  • Replace one cup of coffee each day with a glass of water (cold or hot, add lemon if desired).
  • Do something nice for someone else (however big or small) – an act of kindness.
  • Focus on focusing – carve out and use 45-90 minutes to work undisturbed.