About Public Policy & Government Relations

OBA members are on the frontlines of our justice system in no fewer than 38  different sectors and in every region of the province.

As a respected legal stakeholder, it's vital to have your involvement in public policy initiatives that impact your area of practice, client interests, the profession and our Justice system.

The Government and Stakeholder Relations Department is an excellent source for the latest political news and for ensuring the views of the OBA membership are heard at Queen's Park, with key stakeholders and in the media.  One of the key advantages of belonging to the OBA is representation on issues that affect the justice system and the practice of law. As a member of the legal profession, it's important that your interests and those of your colleagues be protected in matters involving the provincial and federal governments. You also have the opportunity to participate in the public policy process, specifically as it pertains to law reform. We have a proven track record of effectively voicing the concerns of Ontario's lawyers and the public in various forums at the provincial, national and international levels.

As the voice of the profession we will continuously work on advancing the interests of Ontario's lawyers by:

  • Providing approximately 50 submissions per year to government
  • Providing comment on distinct subject matter of importance to the bar
  • Advocating on behalf of lawyers to stakeholders and organizations (provincial ministries, legislative standing committees, the Law Society, the Ontario Human Rights Commission, and the Law Commission of Ontario)
  • Establishing taskforces and working groups from various regions and practice sections

For more information, please contact:

Tyler Jensen
Associate Director of Policy, Outreach and Public Affairs

Elizabeth Hall
Executive Director and General Counsel