You’re Going to Court In Person?!! An update on courtroom technology from your Section Technology Liaisons

January 4, 2024 | Krystyne Rusek and Mitchell Rattner, Section Technology Liaisons, with assistance from Matthew Bradley (Speigel Nichols Fox, LLP)

In-person hearings have not returned to all their pre-pandemic glory, but we have begun to see a gradual return to in-person and hybrid attendances for different types of hearings, conferences and judicial mediations.[1] For those who have an upcoming in-person or hybrid attendance, this article briefly outlines some of the courtroom technology available to make the most of these appearances and more importantly, avoid the ire of your presiding judge.

Ontario Court Wi-Fi – Getting Wired-In

Before attending court, counsel should apply for an Ontario Public Service Guest (“OPSGuest”) Wi-Fi Account. The OPSGuest wireless network is available to all parties to a matter (i.e. counsel and self-represented litigants) in all Ontario courthouses.  

A copy of the application form to be completed is available here and must be emailed to the Ministry of the Attorney General at Once the application is processed, counsel will receive an email from the Ontario Court Wi-Fi team with a User ID and password.

Once at the court, access to the OPSGuest wireless network is secured by following these instructions. When connecting, the wireless signal labelled “OPSGuest” must be selected, not the wireless signals labelled “OPS” or “OG Public Wi-Fi”. Access to the network will be available for 6 months, after which a new application must be submitted.

Some lawyers have expressed difficulty in using the OPSGuest wireless network to run software (i.e. such as a virtual private network or VPN) that connects laptops to internal firm networks. It is important to check in advance of an attendance whether the network to be accessed has any firewall that would block a remote connection between the OPSGuest wireless network and the law firm’s network.

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