The notes below touch upon the highlights of each presentation. Please contact the Tribunal ( to receive a copy of the accompanying power point presentations for more details.
1. Chair’s Update
Recent survey on WSIAT’s adjudicative process and resources:
- 42% response rate to survey
- Summary of results will be posted on website
- One of issues raised – can we receive decisions via email. Chair advised that they won’t be taking any steps in this direction because of privacy concerns.
- People want larger font sizes on forms and larger file size for e-files
- Respondents want documents to be more plain language – working on this but will take time
- Concerns expressed about website not being visually appealing, well organized and helpful – Chair acknowledged these concerns, but noted require significant resources to address
- Respondents noted stigma around requesting accommodations and WSIAT will work to communicate better on this because both reps and parties have right to accommodation
Hearings during COVID:
- WSIAT won’t impose remote hearing after COVID restrictions lifted but will encourage remote hearings in appropriate cases. WSIAT is working on criteria for deciding when remote hearings are appropriate
- Feedback from OICs – moving to Zoom audio has improved sound quality
- Successfully addressed privacy concern about people’s phone numbers being shared – will not be read out and will not be visible.
- There are 4 in person hearings scheduled for first quarter of 2022. These are in Toronto. They are still exploring safe options for in person hearings in the regions.
Transition to paperless:
- e-filing improved – confirmation email being sent
- e-filing forms upgraded – now compatible with modern browser & viewable on mobiles
- e-share is still a pilot project with only a few reps. WSIAT hopes to open it to all later in 2022
- WSIAT call centre improved – more people available to answer phones during peak hours
- Fax services are being phased out (quality of e-filing is better and WSIAT expects most professional reps will be able to e-file). But will keep in mind that in remote areas and when don’t have internet, parties will still need to fax.
- In going paperless – will always honour an accommodation request.