The WSIAT Stakeholder event of February 27, 2023 consisted of:
- Chair Update – Rosemarie McCutcheon, Tribunal Chair
- Caseload Update - Slavica Todorovic, Director, Executive Services and Strategic Initiatives (not covered in this summary)
- Recent Noteworthy Decisions – Sarah Schumacher, Counsel to the Chair
- Diversity and Anti-Racism Office Update – Lauren Canzius, Director, Diversity and Anti-Racism Office
- New Pre-Hearing Process Status Update- Nicole Bisson, Director, Appeal Services
The notes below touch upon the highlights four of the presentations.
Chair Update
Website Improvements:
- Easier to find information on accessibility and diversity from the homepage
- Easier to find accessible formats on forms page
- Report on 2021 access to justice and accessibility survey posted
- 2021 Accessibility report posted
- Information on how to access the AMA guides (3rd Revised)
Resources for Self- Represented Parties:
- Hearing checklist for parties that are self-represented up on WSIAT’s website
- WSIAT legal workers are available to provide information from time of appeal to hearing date)
- Internal guide and training for panel members on dealing with self-represented parties WSIAT exploring a “navigator service” to support self-rep parties more fully in WSIAT hearings – i.e. in the early stages of the hearing process
- Exploring ways to enhance support – more updates later in 2023
WSIAT Return to Office (RTO):
- Staff and OIC are working in a hybrid model
- Expecting library to re-open in mid-April 2023 – probably two times a week.
- General Items
- All staff are receiving training on how to de-escalate situations and on equity, diversity and inclusion
- There will be an upcoming pilot project to expedite certain appeals. Details to be provided in the future.
- Recruitment in several departments – especially IT
- Reduced print/mail/courier costs through electronic case materials
- Reduced travel expenses due to remote hearing methods
- Putting money that is no longer used for courier/travel toward key aspects of their work
- Proposed demolition of 505 University Avenue will not have any immediate impact on the Tribunal
Update on Hearing Formats:
- Default is now video conference,
- Expanding availability of in person
- Can request in person or teleconference as alternative to video hearing
- Request in person hearing – see how via guidelines available on website
- Current health and safety measures for in person hearings require more resources than pre-pandemic model
- Moving cautiously towards new longer term model – not yet set
- 6 in person hearings confirmed thus far in 2023
- Longer wait times for in person hearings in Toronto and longer still in regions
- Virtual hearings have levelled playing field with regards to wait times– Toronto and regional all now same
- Representatives should continue to complete the online video/teleconference hearings survey, which they will review and consider
- Guiding principles for hearing formats – they look at this non-exhaustive list:
- Fair and full hearing – principles of natural justice
- Public health and safety requirements
- Individual needs of parties – including accommodations
- Nature of case and the issues
- Timeliness and avoidance of unnecessary delay Practical needs and requirements: WSIAT staff onsite, room capacity and comfort levels, location of witnesses Any other relevant considerations – flexibility is key
- They are exploring methods of hybrid hearings – does use increase WSIAT resources and increased time to hearing
- Expected increase in members of public on premise. Constructing new security centre on 7th floor at 505 university to support safe and secure environment.
WSIAT stakeholder outreach and training:
- 3 planned in 2023
- Keep looking at website for updates
- Representatives must have substantive and procedural knowledge and training to meet expectations of WSIAT’s code of conduct
- Be prepared for cases – avoid unnecessary adjournments
- Appreciate everyone’s patience with transitions