On November 28, 2017, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau officially recognized the decades of "state-sponsored, systematic oppression and rejection" of the LGBTQ2+ community and delivered a historical apology in the House of Commons. In his speech, the Prime Minister expressed shame, sorrow, and deep regret to the civil servants, military members, and criminalized Canadians who endured discrimination and injustice based on their sexual orientation from 1950 to the early 1990s.
Exactly three years and a day later, with the help of the Federal Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Youth, the Trudeau government took first steps toward making Canada a safer and more inclusive country for the LGBTQ2+ community. As a part of the mandate to consult LGBTQ2+ communities to lay the groundwork, on November 27, 2020, Minister Bardish Chagger announced the launch of the LGBTQ2+ survey, a first-ever federal LGBTQ2 Action Plan.
The survey will provide statistical information to the Government and help them better understand the daily realities and experiences of LGBTQ2+ people in Canada in employment, healthcare, housing and homelessness, and safety. This survey is available for anyone over the age of 16, who identifies as a member of the LGBTQ2+ or uses different terms or concepts to refer to their sexual orientation and/or gender identity and expression. It is available from November 27, 2020, to February 28, 2021, and takes about 15 minutes to complete. Participation is voluntary and anonymous.
SOGIC calls for all members to spread the words generously and encourage everyone to share the link below and use the hashtags #LGBTQ2Survey and #LGBTQ2ActionPlan.