Resources, Articles, & Advocacy
Submission | November 18, 2024
LSO Increased Transparency Proposal
The OBA provides feedback to the Law Society of Ontario recommending it reject the Increased Transparency proposal as outlined. The public protection goals are important shared objectives, but the proposal has an extreme imbalance between the risks to licensees and the profession, and those public protection goals. We urge the LSO to work with legal stakeholders on an updated proposal that achieves the necessary balance for the profession and the public.
Video | February 22, 2024
Case Law Update: What Makes an Incident at Work “Objectively Traumatic”?
Join our panel of seasoned practitioners, including worker and employer perspectives, as they unpack a recent decision from the Workplace Safety and Appeals Tribunal (“WSIAT”) (Decision No. 1741/21, 2023 CanLII 81535 (ON WSIAT)) interpreting section 13 of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board’s (“WSIB”) policy for traumatic mental stress.
Video | November 28, 2023
Outcomes, Impacts, and Systemic Shifts: WSIAT’s SAWP Appeal Decision
Join us as we reflect on the implications of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal’s (“WSIAT”) recent September 2023 decision on benefits available to qualifying workers under the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (“SAWP”).
Video | March 07, 2023
The Vulnerable Worker: Challenges in Litigation for Counsel, WSIB and WSIAT
Many workers with occupational injuries are vulnerable, due to financial worries, or due to physical impairments or mental health issues.
Advocacy | January 13, 2023
OBA Submission on the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal’s New Pre-Hearing Process coming in 2023
The Ontario Bar Association (OBA) appreciates the opportunity to provide this proactive submission
to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal (“WSIAT”) on the proposed changes to the
pre-hearing process.
Video | December 15, 2022
Case Law Update on Chronic Mental Stress: The Evolving Jurisprudence
The WSIB policy on chronic mental stress was published on January 2, 2018. How has the law developed since then?