Resources, Articles, & Advocacy
Submission | November 18, 2024
LSO Increased Transparency Proposal
The OBA provides feedback to the Law Society of Ontario recommending it reject the Increased Transparency proposal as outlined. The public protection goals are important shared objectives, but the proposal has an extreme imbalance between the risks to licensees and the profession, and those public protection goals. We urge the LSO to work with legal stakeholders on an updated proposal that achieves the necessary balance for the profession and the public.
| June 21, 2023
Fostering Women Entrepreneurs in Law
The global pandemic has tested and challenged lawyers in all aspects of their personal and professional lives.
| June 15, 2023
Hard Conversations: Dr. Shirin Ebadi's Perspectives on Theocratic Dictatorship and Women's Rights in Iran
In March 2023, the OBA's Hard Conversations Series featured Nobel Peace Prize winner and former Iranian Judge turned human rights activist Dr. Shirin Ebadi. Dr. Ebadi provided us with valuable insights into the Islamic Republic of Iran and the “Woman, Life, Freedom” revolution that emerged as a response to institutional discrimination faced by Iranian women in their day-to-day lives.
Article | May 30, 2023
Deepa Mattoo: Centering the Voices and Lived Experiences of Communities that are Underserved and Discriminated Against
From a young age, Deepa Mattoo, this year's recipient of the OBA Award of Excellence in the Promotion of Women's Equality, knew that she wanted to pursue law. She marvelled at the power of law to be a force of change, particularly the law’s ability to challenge the systemic issues of misogyny, oppression, and violence that were pervasive in communities that surrounded her.
Article | March 27, 2023
Legal Reads: A book review of "Just Pursuit"
“The pursuit of justice creates injustice.” Thus opens the memoir of Laura Coates, a Black former federal prosecutor in the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice during the Bush and Obama years. Through a series of vignettes, she peels back the curtain to expose the inner workings of the criminal justice system, and lays bare the ways in which a system ostensibly set up to secure justice often fails those who become wrapped up in it.
| December 06, 2022
R v. J.J. The case and its Implications - At six months
The global pandemic has tested and challenged lawyers in all aspects of their personal and professional lives.