
Enhance your skills and make a difference

The success of our Sections relies on the expertise and active contributions of OBA Section executive members. These volunteers are vital to the work we do every day at the CBA. They contribute time, knowledge, leadership and inspiration.

A collage of diverse headshots featuring individuals of different ages, genders, and ethnicities, all smiling and looking directly at the camera

As a volunteer, you will gain experience and opportunities to make a difference. You will collaborate with bar leaders, judges and other contacts who can play an important role in your long-term professional growth and the value you bring to your firm.

Section Executive Opportunities

Every year in April, the OBA sends an email to members to call for volunteer Section executive members. Opportunities with each Section include:


Vice Chair


Public Affairs Liaision

Newsletter Editor

Technology Liaison

CPD Liasion

Regional Representative

Members at Large

Student Member at Large

Law Student Ambassador (Student Division)

Articling Student Ambassador (Student Division)

Time Investment

As a Section executive member, you can anticipate a time commitment of about four hours per month. This includes:

  • Planning and running up to six Section meetings per year
  • Contributing to advocacy work
  • Identifying the professional development needs for your Section
  • Developing and delivering additional services to meet the unique needs of your Section members

Section executive terms run from September 1 to August 31 each year.