Resources, Articles, & Advocacy
Submission | November 18, 2024
LSO Increased Transparency Proposal
The OBA provides feedback to the Law Society of Ontario recommending it reject the Increased Transparency proposal as outlined. The public protection goals are important shared objectives, but the proposal has an extreme imbalance between the risks to licensees and the profession, and those public protection goals. We urge the LSO to work with legal stakeholders on an updated proposal that achieves the necessary balance for the profession and the public.
Submission | November 12, 2024
Consultation on Proposals relating to Modernizing the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2002
The Ontario Bar Association (“OBA”) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission on the proposals relating to the modernization of the Ontario Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2002 (“MVDA”), as described in the April 2024 consultation paper (“Consultation Paper”), “Modernizing the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2002: Proposals to Enhance Consumer Protection, Reduce Burden, and Improve Regulatory Efficiency”, which was released by the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (“Ministry”).
Franchise Law | June 12, 2023
How Franchisors Can Navigate the Competition Act’s New No-Poaching and Anti-Wage Fixing Provisions
The new criminal prohibitions in Section 45.1 of the Competition Act on no-poach agreements and wage-fixing agreements come into force next month and have the potential to irreversibly alter several commercial arrangements and practices commonly used in the franchise business model.
| April 12, 2023
“Hot Topics in Franchise Trademark and Intellectual Property Protection”
Trademarks and intellectual property are an integral component of any franchise system and are one of a franchisor’s most valuable assets.
| April 19, 2022
Franchising in the 21st Century: How Technology is Altering the Franchise Landscape
To stay relevant in a rapidly changing market, many franchise systems are emerging as some of the most prominent adopters of technology.