
Sexual & Gender Diversity Alliance

From programming and advocacy to peer recognition and relevant resources, OBA Section membership connects you with education, engagement and leadership opportunities to propel you to the forefront of your professional community.

Diverse group of friends celebrating at an outdoor pride event, smiling and wearing colorful outfits.

Resources, Articles, & Advocacy

Submission | November 18, 2024

LSO Increased Transparency Proposal

The OBA provides feedback to the Law Society of Ontario recommending it reject the Increased Transparency proposal as outlined. The public protection goals are important shared objectives, but the proposal has an extreme imbalance between the risks to licensees and the profession, and those public protection goals. We urge the LSO to work with legal stakeholders on an updated proposal that achieves the necessary balance for the profession and the public.

Video | December 12, 2022

Mental Health, Queer Identity, and the Profession

This program will focus on mental health and queer identity, as they intersect with the legal profession.

Video | December 02, 2021

The Afghan Crisis and 2SLGBTQI+: Critical insights and Helpful Solutions

The security situation in Afghanistan has deteriorated rapidly. With the collapse of the Ashraf Ghani government and subsequent takeover of the Taliban, there is fear that a return of grave human rights abuses, including the extreme persecution of 2SLGBTQI+, will occur.

Article | April 30, 2021

Considerations for Serving LGBT2SQ Clients as They Age

Elder law practitioners should be aware of the special circumstances that may impact the lives of their LGBT2SQ clients as they age, as these circumstances will have a direct impact on how legal practitioners may want to advise their clients in planning for incapacity or death.

Advocacy | April 09, 2019

Comments on the Proposed Pay Transparency Reporting Requirements

This submission is in response to the Ministry of Labour’s consultation on the proposed pay transparency reporting requirements.  The OBA provides feedback on capturing compensation differences, calculating gender gaps and the establishment of a clear reporting period.