Past Chair
Patrick Denroche
Mintz LLP
(647) 499-2828
Patrick Denroche
Pat is an associate at Mintz LLP and focuses his practice on Canadian employment law and pension matters. He advises on federal and provincial employment and labour matters, including hiring and terminations, executive compensation, labour relations, human rights, pay equity, employment standards, workplace policies, and occupational health and safety.
Pat provides guidance to clients on Canadian and international pension investments, as well as plan governance and the treatment of pensions and benefits in mergers and acquisitions.
Pat advises clients on lobbying activity compliance at the federal and provincial levels, as well as accessibility legislation including Ontario's Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and the Accessible Canada Act.
In addition to his practice, Pat is a faculty member at Osgoode Professional Development’s Pension Law Certificate course and a contributing author to Thomson Reuters’ Practical Law. He is the current Chair of the Ontario Bar Association's Pensions and Benefits Executive.
Alyson Frankie she/her
University Pension Plan Ontario
Senior Legal Counsel
Newsletter Editor
Leslie Steeves she/her
Mercer (Canada) Limited (Toronto)
Senior Consulting Lawyer
Regional Representative
Pamela Odina she/her
Brown Mills Klinck Prezioso LLP
Sagar Darar he/him
Stikeman Elliott LLP
Christopher Mayer
Associate General Counsel, Pension Law & Policy
Alison Van De Kraats she/her
Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan
Associate Director, Plan Benefits & Design

Student Member at Large
Gabrielle Arbic-Lloyd
Section Executive Liaison
Peter Guennel
Ontario Bar Association
Section Executive Liaison
Senior Professional Development Coordinator
Cindy Ng
Ontario Bar Association
Senior Coordinator, Continuing Legal Education

Professional Development Lawyer
Jenny Commisso