Keeping Up With Health Law

The OBA Health Law Section is pleased to welcome back a “Keeping Up With Health Law” series to help you stay informed about significant cases and legislative updates.  This series is offered free of charge for OBA Health Law Section members.

A smiling woman with curly hair working from home, talking on the phone while using a laptop. She is sitting at a desk with a coffee mug, in a bright and modern home office setting.

Calendar Inveitation 

A calendar invitation with call-in details will be sent out to registered members one week prior to each session. In the meantime, see below for a list of upcoming sessions and save the dates. Hint: It’s the 3rd Wednesday of  every other month.

GET INVOLVED: New and recent calls are especially encouraged to get involved

This series is offered exclusively to section members, if you are not currently a member of the Health Law Section, please contact Terrine Bird for more information

Register for the series