Resources, Articles, & Advocacy
Submission | November 18, 2024
LSO Increased Transparency Proposal
The OBA provides feedback to the Law Society of Ontario recommending it reject the Increased Transparency proposal as outlined. The public protection goals are important shared objectives, but the proposal has an extreme imbalance between the risks to licensees and the profession, and those public protection goals. We urge the LSO to work with legal stakeholders on an updated proposal that achieves the necessary balance for the profession and the public.
Video | November 16, 2023
Forced Labour and Increasing Supply Chain Scrutiny: Prepare Your Business and Ensure Compliance
Forced labour and child labour are serious human rights impacts that affect millions of people around the world.
Video | May 18, 2023
Navigating Business Abroad Alongside International Human Rights & International Criminal Law
Canadian corporations doing business abroad face greater scrutiny and potential liability for conduct that may run afoul of international human rights and international criminal law.
Video | April 19, 2023
The Trade Law Advocate's Toolkit
Canadian corporations doing business abroad face greater scrutiny and potential liability for conduct that may run afoul of international human rights and international criminal law.
Video | November 03, 2022
Fisheries Subsidies: Key Updates and What’s on the Horizon for Canadian Businesses
Decades of overfishing has resulted in a significant decline of our fish stocks with almost a third of the world’s assessed fisheries now under threat.
Video | May 11, 2022
Sanctions and Export Controls: Current Developments and Trends You Need to Know
With Western countries imposing ever-increasing sanctions on Russian entities and individuals in recent weeks, now more than ever, Canadian businesses and their advisors need to be up-to-date on sanctions and export compliance requirements or face significant exposure.
Video | April 05, 2022
Current Developments in Customs Law
Whenever companies are engaged in international trade, it is imperative that they comply with custom requirements and import controls or risk significant liability.