Alex Battick he/him
York Catholic District School Board
Education Lawyer
(905) 872-3222
Alex Battick
Alex Battick is a lawyer practicing in areas such as human rights, professional regulation, and education law. He provides advice on diverse issues ranging that affect schools from kindergarten to higher education. Alex uniquely focuses on improving outcomes for students, families, and administrations in Ontario through the effective and thoughtful implementation of education law. In doing so, Alex seeks to not only help resolve specific cases and situations but also act as a catalyst to improve the functioning of the systems we engage.Vice-Chair
Nadine Rizk
Formerly with Emond Harnden LLP
Secretary (Sections)
Melissa Eldridge
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Melissa Eldridge
Melissa L. Eldridge is a dynamic advocate who is singularly focused on achieving results for her clients. As the Co-Chair of BLG's National School Boards Practice, Melissa is an experienced school boards lawyer with extensive knowledge of school board operations. Melissa excels in high-stakes cases. She is a trusted advisor to educational institutions in Ontario and across Canada, including Catholic and public school boards, and independent schools. Melissa has a deep understanding of how schools and school boards operate. She advises school boards and independent schools on a range of education law issues, including those pertaining to student discipline, human rights, teacher misconduct, and special education. She brings her unique perspective to her commitment to client service: she is the former General Counsel of one of the largest school boards in Canada and former Governor of the Board of an independent school in Toronto. Melissa is proactive and practical: she has negotiated dozens of local collective bargaining agreements on behalf of school boards for multiple rounds of local bargaining and she has represented school boards at hundreds of grievance mediations, arbitrations, and human rights cases. Melissa recently represented school board trustees in response to an application for judicial review related to their decision to sanction a fellow trustee. She regularly appears before administrative tribunals and labour relations boards, including the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, the Ontario Labour Relations Board, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, and the Ontario Divisional Court.CPD Liaison
Jennifer Feren she/her
District School Board of Niagara
General Counsel

Kaffie Abdirashid
Robin Bates
Office of the Ombudsman of Ontario
Senior Counsel

Melanie D. McNaught
Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP
Sukanya Pillay
Executive Director and General Counsel
Student Member at Large
Vickie Do
Section Executive Liaison
Janet Green
Ontario Bar Association
Coordinator, Sections
Professional Development and HR Coordinator
Eava-Kay McKnight she/her
Ontario Bar Association
PD Client Services Coordinator