Stick to a Schedule

March 16, 2020

Do you normally arrive at work at 9am? Then open your laptop and start your day at 9am. Keep your end of day consistent with your usually end of day too. When working from home you may find that “work life” blends into “home life”. To avoid this, set a work schedule and stick with it. Take a lunch break away from your dedicated workspace, eat healthy food and step outside for a bit. This helps to clear your head. 

Schedule “check-ins” with your associates, partners, law clerks, or others who also work on your files. Either daily or twice a day or weekly - whatever makes sense for you. These “check-ins” would normally take place in the office in the form of office chats or afternoon coffee breaks or running into each other in the hall. Having scheduled “check-ins” help with understanding timelines and progress on files and answer any questions that come up. 

It can be tempting to not stick to a schedule while you are working from home and just “wing it” but a schedule keeps you focused and on track to get your work done.