We all possess the capacity to determine our own happiness. Does this sound too good to be true? Psychological science increasingly demonstrates that we can transform our own levels of happiness by engaging in intentional activities. What can you do to improve your lasting happiness and well-being?
- Express gratitude.
- Practise optimism: One practice to help you move into an optimistic frame of mind would be to picture your “ideal state” - one where you have accomplished your goals and realized your dreams.
- Perform acts of kindness toward others.
- Nurture relationships: It is important that we remain connected and foster strong relationships.
- Forgive others: Let go of our past hurts to heal and embrace hope and optimism for the future.
- Savor positive experiences: Recalling positive experiences allows our brains to relive the event and the positive emotions associated with it.
- Take care of physical and emotional health: Regular exercise and adequate amounts of quality sleep each night can positively impact our levels of happiness.
- Meditate: Engaging in a regular meditation practice helps us focus our thoughts, renew our energy and increase positive emotions. Aim to practise for at least five minutes each day.
To increase our levels of happiness we need to make happiness a priority in our lives. Schedule in time each day to engage in any of the above practices that have been proven to boost positive emotions and increase feelings of happiness and well-being.
If you feel you are struggling to find happiness and could benefit from support, please contact the Member Assistance Program at 1-855-403-8922 or visit our website at www.myassistplan.com.
The Opening Remarks mental health briefs provide Ontario lawyers with wellness tips and resources from a variety of individuals speaking in their own capacity. The briefs are not a substitute for professional care. If you are in crisis, we encourage you to urgently contact a mental health service provider.