Advancing TRC Call to Action #92: Reconciliation and the Corporate Sector
As lawyers working within and representing businesses and corporations, we have an opportunity to play a meaningful role in advancing truth and reconciliation in the corporate sector.
Listen as our esteemed faculty discuss concrete ways in which lawyers can advance reconciliation in their day-to-day business and the value of corporations (and lawyers acting for them) in ameliorating power imbalances by ensuring indigenous participation in business development.
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The Future of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People in Ontario
With the growing influence and role of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (“UNDRIP”) across Canada, how will Ontario respond to this opportunity? This program will cover key considerations for Ontario including, lessons learned from British Columbia’s Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, the intersection of UNDRIP and Bill C-15 and how UNDRIP may affect certain long-standing unresolved issues in Ontario. Join our panel of experts as they discuss the future and influence of UNDRIP within Ontario.
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Key Foundations of Aboriginal Law and Working with Indigenous Clients
Do you work with Indigenous clients? This course will ensure that you are prepared to approach your next file with added confidence. Our expert panel will provide practical advice onn how to work with your clients to achieve the best possible outcomes, while also providing an introductory overview of some key areas of Aboriginal Law and how this informs your practice.
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After the TRC and The National Inquiry: The Gladue Principles and The Ongoing Call for Justice
Twenty years after the release of the landmark Supreme Court of Canada decision in R. v. Gladue on sentencing, lawyers and advocates alike continue to raise concerns regarding the implementation of the ruling’s principles. Meanwhile, overrepresentation and the treatment of Indigenous persons within Canada’s criminal justice system remain critical issues.
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We Are All Treaty People – Why We Need To Be Allies
As a result of the Truth and Reconciliation process, we are experiencing monumental changes in understanding our relationship with First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples in Canada. We have also begun the process of better understanding the inequalities faced by marginalized communities. Understanding the challenges and contributions the legal profession can make to this conversation is an important step in supporting the changes on the road to becoming allies, as we build inclusive and caring workplaces that better serve our clients. Join our stellar faculty as they examine and explore this important issue.
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Indigenous Two Spirited People: Historical and Current Duality of Marginalization
The term Two-Spirit, means different things in different communities. It is an English term that was used in 1990 during the Third Annual Inter-Tribal Native American, First Nations, Gay and Lesbian American Conference in Winnipeg. There are many possible acronyms that cover sexual and gender minorities – LGBTQ2S, 2SLBTQ, LGBTQQIP2SAA, QUILTBAG – all with advantages and limitations. No acronym is perfect. Some Indigenous people use Two-Spirit exclusively and some prefer only the term specific to their identity. It is important to be aware that there are a number of gender and sexual minorities that are not included in some of the acronyms such as asexual, intersex, pansexual, pan-gender, polyamorous, and others.
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Legislative Spotlight: Bill C-92 And Its Impact On Your Practice
The passage of Bill C – 92, An Act Respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis Children, Youth and Families’, marks a critical turn in Indigenous child welfare. Coming into force on January 1, 2020, this new legislation prioritizes Indigenous law, confers jurisdiction over child and family services to Indigenous Peoples, and outlines guiding principles for delivering child and family services. Are you ready for its important reforms? Attend this program to better understand the new law, what it means for your practice, and its impact on the representation of Indigenous youth.
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Spotlight on Anti-Black and Anti-Indigenous Racism in the Education System
Racism and systemic discrimination are long standing issues in Ontario’s public education system. Join us as we examine the historical and legal context of these issues with a spotlight on anti-black and anti-indigenous racism in our schools. Our panel of experts will discuss the intersection of race and student discipline, staff leadership and community engagement, as well as lessons learned through relevant case law, system reviews and inquests. We will delve into these key legal issues as lawyers, parents and community members to examine the legal framework within which to challenge and dismantle racism and discrimination within our education system.
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