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Real Intelligence on AI
OBA’s Real Intelligence on AI is designed to demystify AI and help you to understand and mitigate its risks while enjoying its many benefits.
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OBA’s Real Intelligence on AI is designed to demystify AI and help you to understand and mitigate its risks while enjoying its many benefits.
News & Articles
Catch up on your Real Intelligence on AI reading, with dedicated newsletters, relevant articles and useful resources prepared specifically for – and delivered directly to – OBA members.
AI News & ArticlesOffice Hours
2024-25 OBA Innovator in Residence Colin Lachance hosts weekly Office Hours where he discusses the latest AI developments, answer members' questions and lead informal conversations with leading legal AI thinkers from around the globe.
Office HoursAI PD Programs
From tools for your practice, to substantive legal issues, the OBA’s array of Real Intelligence on AI PD programs will get you the insights you need to stay ahead of the curve.
AI PD ProgrammingAI Glossary
Want to gain a stronger grasp of the AI lexicon and understand the differences between types of AI? Check out our ever-growing glossary.
AI Glossary