Leadership Doesn't Wait
What does it mean to be a leader? How can you be a leader at every level of your career? Are you driven to reach your leadership potential? How to develop a healthy appetite for risk in your career. Certified executive coach, Debra Forman encourages lawyers not to wait until you are ready for leadership, but to start pursuing it now, and she tells you how in Episode 1.
Debra Forman is a relationship - building certified executive coach with Pinstripe Coaching.
Get more examples of what lawyers, law firms and other professions are doing to advance gender equality and obtain 5 h 45 m of EDI hours by watching the full and recorded program from the OBA’s Momentum Summit.
Paula Todd, Interviewer and Professor, School of Media, Seneca College
Debra Forman, Pinstripe Coaching
Lynne Vicars, Host and OBA Immediate Past President
Everyone Has A Role
Gender inequality isn’t a women’s issue, it’s an issue for everyone. Many men want to help further gender equality, but don’t feel there is something that they can obviously be doing. In Episode 2, lawyer and CEO and Founder of CulturWorks|Growth Strategies, Naveen Mehta talks about why it’s important for everyone to get involved in equality and how they can do so.
Naveen Mehta is General Counsel and National Director of Diversity and Human Rights to one of Canada’s largest private sector unions and the founder and CEO of CulturWorks | Growth Strategies.
Get more examples of what lawyers, law firms and other professions are doing to advance gender equality and obtain 5 h 45 m of EDI hours by watching the full and recorded program from the OBA’s Momentum Summit.
Paula Todd, Interviewer and Professor, School of Media, Seneca College
Mary Jackson, Blake, Cassels, & Graydon LLP
Lynne Vicars, Host and OBA Immediate Past President
Naveen Mehta, Culturworks
How far have we come? How far do we have to go?
This two-part episode considers some of the formative initiatives that have been developed to support lawyers with their work-life balances while also asking some important questions about what more we can do to achieve true gender equality. In part one, Lindsay Aagard, Counsel at Faskens, describes a flexible work arrangement she has been trying out within her large firm. In part two, Chief Officer of Professional Resources for Blakes, Cassels and Graydon LLP, Mary Jackson more pointedly considers the progress that’s been made over the years and what more can be done to bring equality into the profession.
Lindsay Aagard practices in the area of Government Relations and Strategy at Fasken.
Mary Jackson is the Chief Officer, Professional Resources at Blakes, Cassels, & Graydon LLP.
Paula Todd, Interviewer and Professor, School of Media, Seneca College
Lindsay Aagard, Fasken
Mary Jackson, Blake Cassels, & Graydon LLP
Lynne Vicars, Host and OBA Immediate Past President
The Value of Mentorship and the Even Greater Value of Sponsorship
How does fostering a culture of mentorship and sponsorship advance equality? Episode 5 is a highly inspirational conversation highlighting the life-changing roles mentors and sponsors can play in the life of a lawyer. Creating opportunities that may have not otherwise existed for someone is one very impactful way to advance equality and make our profession more inclusive.
Lynne Vicars is the Immediate Past President of the Ontario Bar Association. She is also the Chief Innovation and Strategy Officer and Senior Counsel for Heuristica Discovery Counsel LLP.
Rocio Gainza is a Senior Manager, Global Sanctions at Scotiabank
Get more examples of what lawyers, law firms and other professions are doing to advance gender equality and obtain 5 h 45 m of EDI hours by watching the full and recorded program from the OBA’s Momentum Summit.
Have feedback? Email us at pod@oba.org with your thoughts and comments.
Paula Todd, Interviewer and Professor, School of Media, Seneca College
Mary Jackson, Blake, Cassels, & Graydon LLP
Lynne Vicars, Host and OBA Immediate Past President
Rocio Gainza, Scotiabank