Habits to Make You Happier

June 24, 2020

Illustration with the text 'The Science of Happy' in the center, surrounded by science-themed icons like DNA strands, test tubes, molecules, and magnifying glasses, all in a colorful, playful design.

A recent Forbes article highlighting seven science-based habits for happiness caught our eye, and we thought we would share it with you.

The seven habits are:

  1. Nurture relationships
  2. Learn to forgive
  3. Wish others well
  4. Express generosity
  5. Show gratitude
  6. Be open and curious
  7. Live in the present

Source: Ewing, Tony. 7 Science-Based Habits That Will Bring You Greater Happiness in Minutes. Forbes, 20 June 2020 https://www.forbes.com/sites/tonyewing/2020/06/20/7-science-based-habits-that-will-bring-you-greater-happiness-in-minutes/#6259ae1c3942